We launched the Privacy Made Positive™ initiative in 2020 with the intention of putting hard figures against our thesis that good privacy delivers measurable commercial value. The initiative has three phases: 1 analysis of the existing research, 2 customised consumer and employee research and 3 economic research and qualitative interviews. 

In 2020, economic consultancy Independent Economics (formerly Llewellyn Consulting) spent several months analysing existing research across consumers, employees, economics and investors to see what evidence there is to support our thesis and quantify the return on investment. They found plenty of evidence that organisations with visibly good privacy outperform those without, that data privacy used for employee retention helps reduce staff costs and that investors seek out organisations with a focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), including privacy. In short, privacy is a material contributor to your brand.

We produced an ebook and hosted a webinar to discuss the findings. To watch our Privacy Made Positive: Phase 1 webinar, click here.

In 2021, we kicked off our consumer research. We commissioned research specialists Kantar to survey over 4,000 consumers across GB, Ireland, France and Germany and establish how people act on privacy. The survey results showed that privacy influences purchase decision making. According to our survey results, almost everyone considers privacy as part of their purchase decision making, more than two-thirds of people have selected products or services on the basis of good privacy, chosen not to proceed with a purchase following concerns about privacy or stopped buying a brand because of its privacy practices. 

We produced an ebook and hosted a webinar to discuss the findings. To watch the Privacy Made Positive: Phase 2 webinar, click here.

In 2022, we embark on researching the US market. Privacy Made Positive US will survey around 5,000 adults across the continental USA to understand how privacy concerns affect their purchasing behaviour and their engagement with brands. It’s an extension of the study we ran in Europe in 2021 and will use the same basic approach. We’ll announce the findings at a webinar and publish an ebook. For more information, please email info@privacymadepositive.com.

Fill in the form opposite to download your copy of the ebooks packed full of insights, data and graphs. We encourage you to use these to strengthen your argument for good privacy in the boardroom. Keep up to date with the initiative at privacymadepositive.com.

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